News Flash - Sky News

Mr Soldin, chairman of the Massive Weight loss guidance committee discussed the national guidance on BBC Breakfast today. He also appeared on Sky news representing BAPRAS and RCS to discuss the Body Contouring guidance. Please see the links below for more information: 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sky News

Mr Soldin, chairman of the Massive Weight loss guidance committee discussed the national guidance on BBC Breakfast today. He also appeared on Sky news representing BAPRAS and RCS to discuss the Body Contouring guidance. Please see the links below for more information: 


Appointment times vary, usually 30 minutes for a new patient and 15 minutes for a follow up appointment. Mr Soldin bills for his time.  Angie Harrison PA to Mr Soldin - Tel: 07961 221874 would be happy to help you with any queries. Look forward to meeting you. MS

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